My intention with this newsletter is to update you all on what Inhale Exhale Wellness has going on this season as well as a little of what is going on with me personally.
Feel free to skip to the portions of this newsletter that interest you the most. Here’s what to expect below:
Summer astrology
*UPDATE* StarBody Treatment
Candle gift sets
Pop ups, festivals, workshops, oh my!
My personal wellness journey
Hello, summer solstice!
Today is the summer solstice (aka the first day of summer!), meaning it’s the longest day of the year and the day we’re lucky enough to experience the most sunlight here in the northern hemisphere.
We all know the sun is a vital force in our universe and that’s exactly what the sun represents astrologically. The extra sunlight is why we have an abundance of energy during the summer months and the summer zodiac seasons reflect just that.
Cancer, Leo and Virgo seasons.
It’s now Cancer season! We’re saying goodbye to super social Gemini season and taking some time to go inward. Summer is just kicking off but for many of us, the weather has been warm for awhile now and we hit the ground running once the switch from the colder months was made.
If you’re feeling an urge to slow down and retreat, you can thank Cancer season for that. This portion of summer is often still spent socializing although Cancer prefers more intimate settings with only their closest and dearest friends and family.
July 23 - August 22 is Leo season and that is when we reclaim the energy most folks associate with summer. Leo is a fire sign, encouraging us to show up big and bold! As one of the zodiac’s most extroverted signs, Leo the lion wants us to laugh until we ROAR, play and take up space with child-like joy!
Ask yourself: How did I like to play as a child? What was most fun when I was a kid? Then tap into that energy as much as possible for some truly authentic amusement!
Virgo season is August 23 - September 22. At this time it’s still summer although school is back in session and there’s a sense that fall is rapidly approaching. Virgo is our care taker and organizer. This season is asking of us to recalibrate and prepare for a more grounded time of year. Get your check list ready and your wellness practices in place. It’s time to soak up the last days of summer as you notice the days getting progressively shorter and the nights getting longer.
Click here to book a birth chart reading.
You might remember from my spring newsletter that I was combining astrology and bodywork into one service. Well I’m still up to it and it has very quickly become my most holistically healing and personalized service yet!
My StarBody Treatment is finally listed on my service menu. It begins with a birth chart reading and ends with custom bodywork informed by your personal astrological chart.
Click here to book.
Apothecary + Products.
Winter fragrances are currently being tested which means the very early stages of candle making have begun!
This October I’ll be releasing a candle gift set. I’m so excited for this one! If you keep up with these newsletters then you know the original plan was to release a spring collection however I wasn’t able to execute it in time. I thank you for your patience and think this gift set will be worth the wait!
There will be a limited number of gift sets available (even less than my last candle collection which sold out very quickly) so keep your eyes peeled for the release date and act fast!
Click here to shop my custom essential oil blends and essential oil rollers in the meantime.
Do you know of a wellness based event that is looking for vendors or someone to facilitate a workshop? I’d love to get out in the community and provide my services as well as connect with folks in person! I’m available to sell products, give readings and lead astrology presentations. Please reply to this email if you know of an event that you think would align with my offerings.
My personal wellness journey.
Facing fear.
In an effort to build resilience (read more about that in my winter newsletter) and embrace my Sagittarius rising (think fiery, adventurous, independent) I’ve been trying to do more things that scare me. What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger they say so here’s a few ways I've been stepping outside of my comfort zone:
Little Scary
I joined the YMCA last year with a little hesitation and a lot of curiosity. Would I like the classes? Would I like the facility? Would I like the teachers and working out with a group? Turns out Zumba is a NO for me but gentle yoga and swim aerobics are big YESES! This experiment was definitely worth the (low) risk.
Medium Scary
I had the joy of facilitating an astrology workshop for Hustle & Play earlier this month. If you’ve been a friend or client of mine for awhile, I’m sure you’ve heard me mention H&P at one point or another. I love this guidebook and its community so much that I set the bar very high for myself. My perfectionism drove me crazy and told me I wasn’t good enough before and even during my presentation. But you know what? I survived, I learned some lessons and I can’t wait to do it again.
BIG Scary
I don’t like driving. It just feels like a lot of responsibility, ya know? There’s so much happening all at once on the road and it overwhelms me. Day to day driving doesn’t scare me however, driving somewhere new? Big scary.
In May I decided I was going to drive while on vacation in Hawaii. We stayed on the North Shore of Oahu where there’s one road in and one road out. Besides beautiful beaches and farmland there isn’t much happening on the North Shore which is why I opted to stay there. There’s no Ubers or Lyfts and our AirBnb was an hour away from the airport so I decided to do some research.
I surveyed multiple people and YouTubed many videos. Was the terrain treacherous? Would I be driving on narrow roads with steep slopes?
I was reassured time and time again that I would feel safe on our drive from the airport to the town of Kahuku where we were staying.
We hopped in the rental car, exited the airport and headed down the freeway! Feeling (mostly) confident I was ready for our hour long expedition to a place I’d never been before. Less than 5 minutes into our journey it started to rain. Not a regular rain, it proceeded to DOWNPOUR. I could not see or find the windshield wipers (BIG SCARY) and after what was one of the scariest moments and biggest freak outs of my life, I pulled over and figured it out.
I survived, I learned some lessons, I made myself proud.
Embracing excitement and fear simultaneously can be wildly empowering and swapping comfort for growth and liberation cultivates confidence. This practice is replenishing my resilience bucket one drop at a time and I’m thirsty for more!
Golden hour in Kahuku, Hawaii